Technical specifications and procedure for selection of the implementing body of part of the program of information and promotion of agricultural products in third countries UK and Switzerland “The EU Fab 6 – Savour the PDO and PGI Wines and Deli Meats from Europe”
It was transmitted on 01/12/2024 to the office of publications of the European Union the call for tenders for the selection, by means of Open Competitive Procedure, of an Implementing Body in charge of the implementation of the actions (activities/initiatives) aimed at achieving the objectives envisaged under the Project called “The EU Fab 6 – Savour the PDO and PGI Wines and Deli Meats from Europe ” acronym EUFAB6_QS – a program of information and promotion activities whose objective is to enhance the charcuterie sector and EU quality wines in the UK and Switzerland, approved by the European Commission in accordance with Regulation (EU) no. 1144/2014 (CALL AGRIP-MULTI-2023-TC-ALL).
Target Countries: UK and Switzerland
Products being promoted:
PGI Mortadella Bologna
PDO Salamini Italiani alla Cacciatora
PGI Cotechino Modena
PGI Zampone Modena
PDO Abruzzo
PDO Montepulciano d’Abruzzo
PDO Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo
PDO Trebbiano d’Abruzzo
PDO Villamagna
PDO Cadillac
PDO Premières Côtes De Bordeaux
PDO Côtes De Bordeaux
PDO Cadillac Côtes De Bordeaux
PDO Cariñena
PDO Calatayud
PDO Campo de Borja
Activities (WP – work package) that will be developed:
WP 2: Public relations
WP 3: Website and social media
WP 4: Advertising
WP 5: Communication tools
WP 6: Events